Thursday, 14 January 2010

Day 14: Happiness is a warm lunch

Today is Thursday, or as the Germans like to call it, Donnerstag ("Thunder day"). Not in our office though, for us Donnerstag is Dönerstag, the day on which we encamp en masse to the local Döner Kebab restaurant for our weekly fix of cholesterol and chili. This picture is a little selection of the various chili sauces and pastes that we took with us today, the majority of which are powerful enough to send a dragon rushing for breath mints.

I can proudly say that at least 4 of those sauces (the hottest ones naturally) were liberally applied to my food, the result of which had me running outside of the restaurant to rub snow onto my steaming head :D

Now the picture was just a snapshot taken with the office camera, but just LOOK at that beautiful presentation ;)

And talking of spicy hot, check out scorching Siegrid's latest work here...

1 comment:

  1. Wow!

    It burns at all edges just from looking at it :-)

    Great pic!

