Saturday, 20 November 2010


Went to the cinema last night to see the latest Harry Potter film. We had great tickets to a huge screen thanks to  Niko & Andi who got them for my birthday. We also went for an excellent meal beforehand (Ostrich, Antelope & Shark - yum) and were all thoroughly excited about the film. We made it to the seats in time, even though Niko and I had to down about 5 litres of Plum wine before we could leave the restaurant (I mistakenly hinted that the night was connected to my birthday) and we needed another 20 mins to carry the additional 400 litres of Plum wine we were sent away with (do they get a tax deduction for giving this stuff away?).
I took my place on the end of our group next to a lad of about 19 yrs (and let's get this clear - age is not an excuse for what comes next). The film started with me thinking that his loud discussion with his girlfriend would now stop and that he would now watch the film. It didn't. The next 4 hours (there was  a break) were a trial of my patience. He sent SMS messages every 5 minutes - once he even tried to answer his mobile!! He spoke - not whispered - continuously, he performed random actions such as placing his drinking straw in his mouth and pretending to smoke it with sound effects. I could go on and on. The worst bit of it all was my complete and utter passive britishness. Any right-minded person would have had a word early on, but I didn't.
Up until near the end of the film that is. PETRIFICUS TOTALUS! Job done.

Still yesterday brought the publication of the 10 Commandments of Cinema:
although these have UK cinemas in mind, they are a must for all cinemas worldwide. If you have ever suffered in any way through the actions of another person at a cinema then now is the time to raise your voice. Get your cinema to adopt these rules, display these rules, CELBRATE THESE RULES. All of them. Except for the one about Nachos. I love Nachos and I am a ninja when it comes to eating them. And they are always finished before the trailers even come on usually.

p.s. Hello to Jason Isaacs.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Leap of faith

This jump took the parachutist in the direction of Salzburg Castle. Siegrid is planning to send me on one these jumps (true). She also made me renegotiate our insurance policies last month. If this blog suddenly stops and my wife starts shooting with a 5d Mark II, please point the Austrian police towards this blog post.

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

A peak you reach

A composite image of the view facing north-west from Mt. Gaisberg, Salzburg.
Somewhere in that valley is my house. This image is based on 10 original images, stitched together using Hugin Panorama Creator.

Now, seeing as though that wasn't particularly funny, I heartily recommend watching this video. I cry tears of laughter EVERY TIME.

Monday, 8 November 2010


I forgot to mention that Dani the drummer got married on Saturday. That didn't stop him playing the gig on Saturday night, naturally - rock'n'roll \m/

Congrats to Mr & Mrs Eicken!!

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Edgedown LIVE

Just got back from "50 Stitches to Salvation"'s birthday bash, where Edgedown played the aftershow party.
As the more observant of you may remember, I did a shoot with Edgedown not so long ago. I also recently helped them with writing their newest song (it pays to be an English native speaker). Tonight I got to hear them play it live on stage for the first time. IT KICKED ASS!!!!

EDGEDOWN, 07th November 2010

If I get time tomorrow (later today!) I'll put some more up!

Saturday, 6 November 2010


Yes today's post is a wild change in direction. Inspired by the amount of hits Siegrid's blog gets everytime she does a boudoir shoot, I have decided to my blog needs to man-up.

So first of all, a bit of flesh:

Secondly, a naked female in her boudoir:

There, I hope you're all happy.

Now for the next part of the blog, it is vital that you open this piece of music in another tab or window. Let the music play laudably before continuing with this post.

Done? Ok...

Siegrid is out on a photo shoot right now, which meant an early start for us all this morning. As breakfast was finished, Siegrid remained seated at the table and started on her eye make-up. Having done this, she asked my opinion

"Does it look alright?".

What on earth possessed me I don't know, maybe it was the early hour of day, or the general lack of sleep, or the liberal medicinal dose of Jack Daniels I took last night, or my high fruit & chili diet; whatever, I decided to  - *GASP* - tell the truth and mention that it looked as if 2 lashes looked as if they were "clumped together".

If you are not listening to the music now - you really aren't getting the correct atmosphere necessary for these events. If O Fortuna ain't cutting it, try THIS.

The chilling look she gave me froze the blood in my veins. All the clocks in the house stopped. Outside the house, no birds were singing, no sunlight pierced the fog gathering rapidly around the house. Then a backlit Siegrid loomed over my cowering figure and spoke again.

"I suppose..."

I was now too scared to look. With my head in my hands I rocked furiously, wishing that this all would end

"...that I had better... do something... about this"

It is at this point that I can't remember any more. The next thing I know, I'm stood in the corner of the room, facing the wall(s). Noting that Siegrid had now gone, I dragged myself into the bathroom and saw this:

That was definitely not there when I woke up this morning!

Next time she asks, I think I'll tell her she looks great.

p.s. the naked flesh at the top of this blog is my armpit, I seriously hope nobody found that sexy...

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Diary of a non-smoker: Day 8, NEWSFLASH!

It's been a week of non-smoking, and not a single puff of smoke has entered my body.


I have the most erratic diet ever. I am eating a large quantity of fruit at work to keep me going:

My hourly intake of apples and satsumas

The worst effect is my grazing - I will eat anything that is put in front of me. ANYTHING. Remember the scene from Jaws where they cut open that shark's stomach and remove items like car registration plates? If I was to die right now, the forensic pathologist would be kept amused for days over the contents of my stomach; "A pizza, a cake, apples, satsumas, some trick-or-treaters (including bags of sweets, costumes), 3 Halloween pumpkins (still lit), a car registration plate, and lots of chili powder - in fact enough chili to cover all of the above liberally, and then some".

I guess it's back to the gym next week, before I can't fit through the changing room door anymore :(

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Crop circles? Bah!

They are sooooo 20th Century! Everyone who's in the know knows that these days, the coolest aliens leave behind leaf mosaics. Once we awoke from our sugar-induced comas today, we were met with a truly magical sight. Visitors from afar (a galaxy far, far away?) left us the following:

 Quite clearly a pumpkin

A minion! From Despicable Me!!! Coooool...
