Wednesday, 13 October 2010

International Suit Up Day - Named and Shamed

Imagine if you will a galaxy far, far away. Luke Skywalker is about to make the Death Star trench run in his X-Wing. The hopes of millions of oppressed souls await the success of this rebel attack against the ultimate weapon of mass destruction. He lowers his ship into the trench, turns off the targeting computer (use the force Luke!) and then:

Darth Vader cruises up behind him and fires a couple of lazy blasts.

Luke's ship gets blown up.

Luke dies.

Darth Vader flies home and has smoked kipper for breakfast.

The galaxy suffers further tyranny at the hands of the Empire for millenia.

How did this happen? What kind of twisted parallel universe is this? A WORLD WITHOUT WINGMEN! 

A good wingman or two is a necessity. In my example above, their absence meant that Vader could concentrate on wiping out the Rebels' "New Hope".
In reality (yes, that's where I'm going with this) Luke had wingmen who diverted Vader's attention away long enough to allow Luke to be in a position to make the shot. Whether those wingmen were the cannon fodder of red squadron, or the knight in shining millenium falcon that was Han Solo; the result is the same. We all, from the lowliest office worker to the most prominent Jedis, need wingmen.

All of which brings me to International Suit Up Day. The day when a bro can expect his bros to upheld the bro code. When a man should be able to rely on his wingmen. Two such wingmen failed in their duties today. Spicy and Woaz, enjoy your moment of shame...

 Ah, the man himself showing us all how it's done

In the word(s) of Darth Vader: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

Happy International Suit Up Day everybody, see you again 13th October 2011...

1 comment:

  1. Brillant babe!!!! This made my morning a hell of a lot better! S.

